Citations Schwere Heeres Panzerjager Abteilung 525 – Monte Cassino – Italy

Citations to Officer Rudolf Zorner.

Member of Schwere Heeres Panzerjager Abteilung 525.

Equiped with Nashorns and fighting in Italy.

Monte Cassino

Out of stock

4 Citations and a Marching order to officer Rudolf Zorner.

He was a member of the 1. Kompanie of Schwere Heeres Panzerjager Abteilung 525.


The Abteilung arrived at the Coëtquidan training ground in Brittany on June 8, 1943 and was equipped with Nashorns.
The first five Nashorns arrived in May 1943, 15 in June and the last 25 in July 1943. By July 29, 1943, the Abteilung had been moved to the south of France, to Armeegruppe Felber. Between August 23 and 30, the Abteilung was then moved to Italy, to La Spezia. From December 2, 1943, the Abteilung fell under the XI. Flying Corps near Rome.

On January 22, 1944, the Abteilung was immediately deployed against the Allied Landing at Anzio and remained in this area until mid-May 1944. Five new Nashorns were received.
On May 14, 1944, a move followed to the Cassino front, which was then attacked in Operation Diadem.

2 pictures of the unit in Italy. The second pictures showes Polish soldiers at a captured Nashorn.

A few days later, however, the Germans were already on their way back. The Abteilung now retreated north, via Frosinone (end of May).

The grouping consists of;

  • KvK 2 with Swords, 21-12-1943 and has a Keitel stamped signature
  • EK 2, 20-4-1944 stamped signature by Heidrich, Commander of the 1. Fallschirmjager Division.
  • Sturmabzeichen, 24-5-1944, stamped signature by Heidrich, Commander of the 1. Fallschirmjager Division.
  • Wounded badge in Silver for a third wounding on 28 May 1944 on the Cassino front. Signed by a Stabarts at the Fallschirm Field Hospitol 1. Dated 16 June 1944.
  • Marching order, 16 June 1944. Also handed out at 16-6-1944.

Really nice Monte Cassino and Panzer related document grouping!

Used condition, has been folded.

Photo’s are for reference only and do not come with the documents.

Pictures taken from the web.


code: B23268