Death card Grenadier Regiment 957 – 363. Infanterie Division Normandy 1944


Death card Gefreiter Josef Endras.

Grenadier Regiment 957

363. Infanterie Division

1 in stock

Death card to Gefreiter Josef Endras.

A veteran who was awarded the EK 2, Wounded Badge and Infanterie Sturmabzeichen.

In 1944 he was part of Grenadier Regiment 957 of the 363. Infanterie Division.

After the Allied invasion of Normandy, the division was alerted and put on train transport to Oostende - Brugge - Gent in Belgium from June 12, 1944. Due to the rapidly deteriorating German situation, the division was ordered to be transported to Normandy on July 16, 1944. There will be a train transport to the Seine at Rouen and from there a march to the front area. In the meantime, the American 1st Army had broken out there and the division was deployed at the end of July 1944 on the flank of the breakthrough, around Villedieu-les-Poêles. Most probarly during the transport towards the Normandy front or the first days in Normandy must have got heavily wounded and was brought to an hospital in Amiens were he died on 26 July 1944.

He was first burried on the St. Pierre cemetary in Amiens but has his final resting place at the German war cemetary of Bourdon.
Good condition.

Ancestry card is for reference only and does not come with the item.

code: B24242