Death card SS Panzergrenadier – East Prussia 1945
Death card to SS Panzergrenadier Alois Lindner.
East Prussia 1945
1 in stock
Death card to SS Panzergrenadier Alois Lindner from Salzburg, Austria.
He got wounded on 3 February 1945 during the defense battles in East Prussia. He was brought to an Hospital in Braunschweig but couldn’t recover from his wounding and died on 4 March 1945.
Nowdays he rests on the German war cemetery in Braunschweig.
Volksbund info:
Alois Lindner ruht auf der Kriegsgräberstätte in Braunschweig-Hauptfriedhof-Militärfdh..
Endgrablage: Block 2 Reihe 4 Grab 77
Used condition, has some stains.
Code: B23266