KM Soldbuch Cherbourg – Normandy wounded 1944
Kriegsmarine Soldbuch
Festung Cherbourg wounded
Normandy 1944
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Soldbuch first issue to Matrosen Obergefreiter Konrad Franke.
Born 14 May 1924.
The Soldbuch opens at 15 May 1941 with 1./ 11. Schiffstamm Abteilung at that time based in Stralsund, Germany.
From at least 1-8-1942 he was active in France according to the Fieldpostnumber: 04312 = Hafenkapitan Cherbourg.
Another Fieldpostnumber dated 12 April 1943: 14540 =
4. Marine Bordflak Abteilung.
On 9-11-1942 he was given the Fuhrergeschenk.
For a brief period he was stationed on the German island of Langeoog.
In 1944 he had returned to Cherbourg in time for the Allied landings on D-day.
One of the Allied targets was to capture the city of Cherbourg and it’s important harbor. On 18 June the American 9th Infantry Division approached the Cotentin westcoast and headed towards Cherbourg with minimal German resistance.
2 days later 3 American Divisions had reached the city within an distance to deploy attacks.
One day later on 21 June Konrad Franke got wounded by a bullet wich stated on page 18 with woundcode -31a- and brought to Luftwaffe Ortslazarett Cherbourg on 21 June 1944.
On 26th of June the German commander of the city Karl-Wilhelm von Schlieben.
But elements still continued to fight untill 1 July.
Konrad Franke was taken POW and was send to the United Kingdom were he stayed in captivity.
Because he was taken POW he never received a Wounded badge.
The Soldbuch is missing it’s original photo but it comes with an separate one.
Used condition, the cover is loose.
code: B23269