Nahkampfspange award document group 320. Infanterie Division Kursk


Nahkampfspange award document grouping to Gefreiten Helmut Peters.

320. Infanterie Division

Kursk, Russia

1 in stock


Award document grouping to Gefreiten Helmut Peters.

He was awarded:

  • Wounded Badge in Black, listed an a small paper
  • Wounded Badge in Silver, award document
  • Infanterie Sturmabzeichen, listed on a small paper
  • EK 2, listed on a small paper
  • Nahkampfspange I stufe, award document

In January 1943, the 320th Infanterie Division was called to service on the Eastern front response to the imminent defeat of the 6th Army Stalingrad. Shortly before its departure, the divisional commander was replaced by Georg-Wilhelm Postel on 2 December 1942. The division was first sent to the Eastern Front's southern sector and saw first combat at Izium in early February, which was an intro to the Soviet defeat at the Third battle of Kharkov.

The 320th Infanterie Division was used to stabilize the shattered Second Hungarian Army. In July 1943, the 320th Infanterie Division fought in Operation Citadel or the battle at Kursk the last major German offensive on the Eastern Front. The unit had since 26 May 1943 been under the command of Kurt Ropke but Röpke was replaced with Postel on 20 August 1943, which marked Postel's second term as divisional commander of the 320th Infanterie Division.

Shortly after the defeat at Kursk the division withdrawal to the west and he got heavily wounded for the third time and was awarded the Wounded Badge in Silver.

In November of the same year he was awarded the Nahhkampfspane in Bronze for taking part in 15 close combat days.

Used condition

Has been folded
