Papers Close combat days Alarm Battalion Frehes Lithuania 1944
Close combat days Lithuania 1944
”Alarm Battalion Frehes”
1 in stock
3 small papers to Gefreiter Ludwig Brauer.
He was part of “Alarm Battalion Frehes” wich operated in Lithuania in 1944.
One paper confirms 3 Sturmtagen on 12-7, 14-7 and 16-7-1944.
One paper confirms 6 Nahkampftagen or close combat days on 12-7, 13-7, 14-7, 16-7, 17-7 and 18-7-1944.
A third paper came with the confirmed assault days and wishes him a good recovery.
So most probarly he must have got wounded on the last listed day of 18-7-1944.
Heavy used condition
code: B24234