Wounded Badge Silver 271. ID – Normandy 1944
Citation Wounded Badge in Silver.
271. Infanterie Division
Normandy wounded
1 in stock
Wounded badge in Silver citation for a third wounding to Pionier Hans Troger who was member of 2./Pionier Battalion 271 of the 271. Infanterie Division.
The Division was involved in the Normandy battles and at the time of his wounding on 12 August 1944 facing the II Canadian Corps and British units just after operation “Totalize” had finished.
On the right flank of the attacking Canadians, across the Laize River, was the German 271. Infanterie Division. Although having to deal with heavy British pressure from across the Orne, when Operation Totalize commenced the division slowly pulled back its front to conform to the advance of the Canadians. By the late evening of 8 August, one of its infanterie regiments became available to create a new line running along the Laize River.
The Division was pushed towards Falaise were it got trapped and destroyed. During the push towards Falaise he got wounded.
Used condition but unfolded!
Code: B23226