Small KIA Waffen SS grouping – Anti Partisan 1943
Waffen SS Deutschland and 1. SS Infanterie Brigade.
KIA anti- Partisan battles
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A small grouping wich consists of a letter and 3 photo’s to an SS Schutze / Kannonier who died on 15-2-1943 In Belarus.
At that time he was part of the Flak Kompanie of the 1. SS Infanterie Brigade. The Brigade was involved in Anti Partisan operation “Kugelblits” wich lasted from February 22 - March 8, 1943.
Not to be confused with another operation with the same name in Yugoslavia at the end of 1943.
It comes with 2 nice bigger size photo’s with the Deutschland cufftitle clearly visible and one normal postcardsize photo.
We can also see the Ostmedaille ribbon on his jacket wich indicates that he has been within the Waffen SS from at least 1941 onwards.
used condition
Code: B4215