Soldbuch 363. Volksgrenadier Division Koln – Westfront 1945

Soldbuch to Unteroffizier Kurt Schrode.

363. Volksgrenadier Division.

Westfront 1945, Julich – Koln.

Out of stock

Soldbuch first issue to Unteroffzier Kurt Schrode.

1,81 high landworker in daily life.

The Soldbuch opens at 10-9-1939 with Flieger Ausbildungs Regiment 10. From 1939 untill December 1944 he served with several Fliegerhorst Kompanieen. With one of these units he served on the Eastfront during the cold winter of 1941 - 1942 and was afterwards awarded the Ostmedaille.
The bandspange comes with the Soldbuch. On page 22 we can see the remnants of an award? page wich has been removed.
On 14 December 1944 he became part of March Battalion 794 and 12 days later he became part of Feld ersatz Battalion 363 wich was part of the 363. Volksgrenadier Division. In early 1945 he became part of the 1. Kompanie of Grenadier Regiment 958 of the same Division.

The Division fought on the Westfront around Julich and Koln.

He was taken POW in the Ruhrkessel.

He received an own pistol.

The Soldbuch is in used condition, all pages present except for an glued-in page.

code: B23247