Wehrpass 71. Infanterie Division – France – Russia – Italy – Monte Cassino

Wehrpass 71. Infanterie Division.

France, Russia, Italy Monte Cassino.

EK 2

Out of stock

Wehrpass, first issue to Stabsgefreiter Gunther Gowwich.

The Wehrpass opens at 9-3-1938 when he joined 15. Ersatz Kompanie Infanterie Regiment 17 based in Braunschweig.

After his basictrainings he became part of 11. Batterie of Artillerie Regiment 171 wich was part of the 71. Infanterie Division.

In 1940 he took part in operation Fall Gelb and headed towards France. At 18 May 1940 he took part in the attack on Panzerwerk 505 wich is part of the French Maginot defence fortresses.
Members of the 71. Infanterie Division had been trained to attack the Fotresses with hollow charges. The same ones wich were also used on the attack on the Belgium fortress of Eben Emael.

The shellfire by his unit on the bunkers can still be seen today.

After the battles on the Westfront the Division was used as occupation troops in Belgium and France.

In July 1942 he was awarded the EK 2 for bravery shown on the battlefield in Russia when the division was fighting at the Don.
On 10 August 1942 he got wounded for the first time and was awarded the Wounded badge in Black.
On the same day he was also awarded the Sturmabzeichen wich is lesser common for members of Artillerie units.

Because of his wounding he luckily didn’t missed the divisions destruction at Stalingrad.

On 14 March 1943 he joined again his old unit and also his old Batterie. The division was now deployed on the southern front in Italy.

Here it fought against Partisans and in 1944 it took part in the battles at Nettuno and at the “2. Abwehrschlacht Bei Cassino” from 15-3 untill 24-3-1944.

And at the 3. Abwehrschlacht Bei Cassino und am Liri.

The Division fought defensive battles and moving slowly northwards towards Rimini.
In 1945 it fought in Hungary and Austria were it surrendered to the Allies.

Used condition.

Page 3-4 is missing.

code: B24214