Wehrpass, first issue to Gefreiter Herbert Lottes.
In daily life he was a friseur / barber.
From 18-11-1938 onwards he was part of 11./ Infanterie Regiment 31 wich was part of the 24. Infanterie Division.
The 24. Infanterie Division was set up on October 15, 1935 in Chemnitz, in Military District IV. On September 1, 1939, the division crossed the Polish border near Neumittelwalde in Silesia and marched across the Prosna and Warta to the Bzura. There were heavy battles here with the Polish units that had broken out of the Kutno pocket. The division then turned to break through to the Vistula north of Warsaw.
After the end of the Polish campaign, the division was moved west to the Eifel in mid-October 1939. From May 10, 1940, the division took part in the western campaign. They crossed the Luxembourg border near Neuerburg and marched via Bertrix to Sedan. Here the division crossed the Meuse and formed a bridgehead to the south.
Over the course of May 15 – 17, German forces occupied and reoccupied the village of Stonne as they fought against French tanks.
On 17 May 1940 he was killed in action 3 km south of Chemery.
Nowdays he rests at the German warcemetary of Noyers-Pont-Maugis.
Volksbund info:
Herbert Lottes ruht auf der Kriegsgräberstätte in Noyers-Pont-Maugis .
Endgrablage: Block 1 Grab 1925
He was awarded the 1938 remembrance medal.
He was trained with:
- K98
- LMG 08/15
- MG 34
- Pistol
- Handgranat
Good used condition.
Complete with all pages, not denazified.
code: B23246