Wounded Badge citation – 719. ID – Moerdijk bridge Holland 1944

Wounded badge in Black to Gefreiten Kurt Rohm.
5./Grenadier Regiment 723 of the 719. Infanterie Division.
This unit was the last unit to cross the blown-up Moerdijk bridge in Holland.

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Wounded badge in Black to Gefreiten Kurt Rohm.

He was a member of 5./Grenadier Regiment 723 of the 719. Infanterie Division. This unit was the last unit to cross the blown-up Moerdijk bridge on 9. November 1944.

On this day he got wounded for the first time and was awarded the Wounded badge in Black at 11 November 1944.

A Polish liberator looks towards the demolished Moerdijk bridge.

Used condition, shows stains.

Has been folded.

Picture was taken from the web and is for reference only and does not come with the document.

code: B23335