Fallschirmjager Regiment Menzel – WIA Nederweert Holland 1944
Fallschirmjager Ehrhard Brode.
Wounded near Nederweert, Holland.
Out of stock
Small paper grouping to Fallschirmjager Fahnrich Ehrhard Brode who was a member of Fallschirmjager Regiment Menzel.
In November renamed to Fallschirmjager Regiment 19 of the 7. Fallschirmjager Division.
1. A small size paper with info about his wounding in Holland.
During a “Stosstrupp” near Nederweert on 14 October 1944 he got wounded by schrapnell.
For bravery shown during this attack he was awarded the EK 2 and Wounded badge in Black. He also recieved a paper with close combat days during his time with the Regiment wich indicates that his unit was involved in some action in Belgium and Holland. (paper with ccc days does not come with the group!)
2. It also comes with his driverslince from 1959 with picture of Ehrhard.
3. Another paper from 1953 states that he saw active service at the Kuban bridgehead, France, Belgium and Holland.
4. Release paper from his POW time.
5. 3 copied black & white pages from his Soldbuch.
Used condition
code: B24252