Grouping Flak Sturm Regiment 1 Normandy Caen EK 2

Flak Sturm Regiment 1 Normandy
EK 2 Caen

Out of stock

A grouping to Obergefreiter Heinz Jungk.

In daily life he was a construction painter from Griesheim.

In February 1941 he was called-up for military duty and had his basic trainings with a Flak ersatz Abteilung.


- 16.4.43: 2./Schwere Flak Abteilung 614 based in Reims, France.

- 10.6.43: 4./ Gemischte FlakAbteilung 266, based in Boulogne on the French coast.

- 3.6.44: renamed to 4./Gemischte Flak Sturm Abteilung 266.
- 13.7.44: 4./ Flak Sturm Regiment 1 (mot) As part of the III Flak Korps.

With this unit he was involved in the Normandy battles in the Caen sector.

After the demise in Normandy the unit withdrawn towards Holland and fought on the Westfront untill early 1945 when it was send to Silesia were it surrendered.

The grouping comes with:

1. Soldbuch, complete with all pages but the photo has removed.

2. Citation ”Kampfabzeichen der Flakartillerie”, 7-1-1943. Signed by General Ludwig Wolff. Ritterkreuz des Kriegsverdienstenkreuzes

3. Citation EK 2, 10-9-1944 for actions around Caen. Signed by General Wolfgang Pickert, DKIG, RKT + Oakleaves

4. EK 2 medal with “Caen 1944” engraved in it!

5. Citation Wounded badge in Black for his first wounding on 22-1-1945.

6. Wehrmacht Fuhrerschein with photo, 18-4-1941.

7. 2x Postcardsize photo’s of him. One partly colorized.

The grouping is in used condition and has some wear and stains, the cover is a bit loose.

The owner has added some small writings and extra dates to the Soldbuch.

code: C25216