Soldbuch Fallschirmjager Holland 1944 Reichswald 1945

Soldbuch Unteroffizier Ernst Lochschmidt.

7. Fallschirmjager Division

Well – Venlo – Reichswald

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Soldbuch first issue with photo to Unteroffizier Ernst Lochschmidt.

The Soldbuch opens at 26-8-1939 with Fliegerhorst Kommandatur Eschwege Nachrichtenstelle.

He stayed with this unit untill 1942 then he was transferred to Luftnachrichten Stelle Fliegerhorstkommandatur E36/VI wich was at that time stationed in Reggio Calabria and Venaria Reale in Italy.

On 1-2-1943 he was transferred to another unit; Luftnachrichten-Stelle E216/X1. This unit was part of the Fliegerhorst E216/XI based in Cambrai-Sud, France untill it was disbanned.

From 1-10-1944 untill 7-12-1944 he was part of Luftwaffe Infanterie Battalion 42.
The Luftwaffe Infanterie Battalion 42 also written as Luftwaffe Infanterie Battalion XLII was set up in Münster on September 20, 1944. The battalion was divided into staff and eight companies and had a strength of 20 officers and 1,553 non-commissioned officers and men. On September 23, 1944, the battalion was relocated to the Dürweiß - Kirchweiler area.
From September 29th, the battalion in Lobberich was used to build positions. On October 1, 1944, a 9th (anti-aircraft) company with six 2-cm anti-aircraft guns was set up for the battalion.
On October 15, 1944 the battalion was divided. The anti-aircraft company was placed directly under the Räßler division. The battalion itself was assigned to the LXXXI. Army corps subordinate.
Four companies were reorganized into operational companies and relocated to Well near Venray, Holland. The 4 Kompanies or parts of it have been absorbed by the 7. Fallschirmjager Division wich was also in the same area.

From 7-12-1944 he became part of Ln.Geratskolonne of the Luftnachrichten Abteilung of the 7. Fallschirmjager Division wich was stationed at the Dutch - German border between Venlo and Bergen.

On 3 January 1945 the Division was transferred to the Elsas region were it fought around Hatten in the Hagenau area. At the end of the month the Division was taken out of this front and brought back to the Dutch - German border were it fought around the Reichswald at Bedburg - Goch - Kleve.

In the final days he became part of another unit; 1./Flakscheinwerfer Abteilung 268. With this unit he must have been taken POW a few days later.

He received an Pistol.

Used condition, complete with all pages of wich some are a bit loose.

code: B24252