Soldbuch Fallschirmjager Regiment Muller – Holland Westfront 1945

Soldbuch to Unteroffizier Haslach.

Fallschirmjager Regiment Muller

Holland Westfront 1944 – 1945

Out of stock

Soldbuch and Wehrmacht Fuhrerschein to Unteroffizier Otto Haslach.

The Soldbuch opens at 20 December 1939 with Luftnachrichten Funker ersatz Kompanie (mot) 18/6.
After his basictrainings he became part of 20./Luftgau Nachrichten Regiment 6 for a very short period of 3 weeks.

Then he became part of 2.(Tel. Bau) Lv. Nachrichten Abteilung 1 wich was renamed to 4.(Fernsprech Bau) Kompanie Luftnachrichten Abteilung (mot) 39 based in Holland.

On 26-5-1941 he enters Luftwaffe Lazarett Amsterdam.

On 21 December 1944 he was send to an combat unit:

8./II. Fallschirmjager Regiment Muller wich was active in southern Holland on the Dutch - German border near Roermond together with Fallschirmjager Regiment Hubner,

On 1-1-1945 he spended 600 cc blood at the Hauptverbandplatz (H.V.PL.) Niederkruchten east of Roermond. (page 14).

On 16 January 1945 the Allied operation “Blackcock” started with as goal to capture the Ruhr river triangle between Roermond - Sittard - Heinsberg.

Somewhere in 1945 he was taken POW.

The Soldbuch is complete with all pages but some are loose, used condition and taped.

code: B24258