Waffen SS Citation Wounded badge in Black Leibstandarte Ardennes 1945
Wounded badge in Black citation
Leibstandarte Adolf Hitler
Luxembourgh 1945
1 in stock
Rare citation for the Wounded badge in Black to SS Grenadier Paul Henke.
Henke was a member of the Waffen SS Aufklarungs Abteilung Leibstandarte Adolf Hitler.
Most of the Division wich had fought the previous weeks in the Ardennes during Operation “Wacht am Rhein” had been assembled in Germany and was on it’s way towards Hungary but a few troops were still in the Ardennes.
On 15 January 1945 the remnants of SS-PzAA1 under temporary command of Obersturmfuhrer Leidreiter defended positions in the wooded area south of the Schimpach - Wampach trainstation.
On 16 January 1945 a small battlegroup under command of Obersturmbahnfuhrer Sandig with one Sturmgeschutz launched an attack from Keil towards Oberwampach (Luxembourg) wich had previously been captured by troops of the US 90. Infantry Division.
During these battles wich must have also covered the area of south of Oberwampach he got wounded for the first time.
The document has been awarded on 7 March 1945 in a hospital in Amstedt.
Heavy used condition, has been taped, folded and has punchholes.
It comes with an small paper permit from an hospital in Hildesheim wich gives him permission to leave the hospital from 13:00 - 18:00.
Dated 1-10-1946. His injury must have been severe as he was still in a hospital at that time.
code: B24256