Wehrpass 123. Infanterie Division – Cholm – Demjansk 1942
Wehrpass 123. Infanterie Division
Cholm – Demjansk
Assaultday at Cholm
1 in stock
Wehrpass and some papers to Gefreiter Kurt Klein from Berlin.
He starts his military career on 1-10-1940 with 2./ Infanterie ersatz Battalion 323 based in Potsdam.
After his basictrainings he became part of 10./ and later 11./Infanterie Regiment 416 of the 123. Infanterie Division. In 1942 the Division fought at Cholm and Demjansk.
On a separate paper we can see the 4 assaultdays wich counted for the Infanterie Sturmabzeichen wich he should have been awarded but this is not listed in the Wehrpass.
On 6-5-1942: Cholm
- Wounded badge in Black
- EK 2
Elements of the 123. Infanterie Division like the Infanterie Regiment 416 (his Regiment) were trapped in the Cholm pocket but it seems he was outside of it.
In 1944 he entered a hospital for frostbite on his right feet.
The grouping also consists of:
- small paper wich stated he is non-Jewish .
- a small paper wich stated he has Germanic roots.
- a paper about money (60 RM) wich was stolen from him during his time with a training unit.
- a paper with 4 days for the Infanterie assault Badge
- a paper with the weapons he got trained with (K98 - MG 34)
Good used condition.
The Wehrpass is complete with all pages.
code: B24257