Wehrpass Artillerie Regiment 254 Mill Holland – Belgium 1940



254. Infanterie Division


Maas und Peelstellung 1940

1 in stock

Wehrpass first issue to Gefreiter Hermann Warner.

He was an WW1 veteran who had fought on the Westfront and was awarded the EK 2 on 27-1-1918.

He was called-up for military duty in 1939 and became part of Artillerie Regiment 254 of the 254. Infanterie Division.

On 10 May 1940 this Division crossed the Dutch - German border and had to cross the Maas river near Mook and Katwijk (Cuijk).

The the Division headed towards the small village of Mill were the Dutch army had an defense line called “Peel-Raam Stelling” wich had a lot of small bunkers or so-called Kazematten behind the defence canal.

The Germans faced some fierce resistance in this area and had to take a lot of casualties before the Dutch army surrendered or withdrawn to the west.

On 11 May the 254. Infanterie Division could continue there advance through Holland to Moerdijk, Belgium and towards Dunkirk.

After the German campaign in the West Hermann Warner was released from the Army.

Good used condition, complete with all pages.

code: C25217